Superficially, How to Survive 2 shares a lot in common with its predecessor. You're tasked with scouring the landscape for food, water and crafting materials while simultaneously defeating countless shambling enemies.
Will you (and up to three friends) have what it takes to overcome his challenges? If you played the first How to Survive, you'll already be up to speed with how much of H2S2 works.
How to Survive 2 takes place fifteen years after the events of the first game in which a zombie outbreak ravaged the tropical Los Ricos archipelago, but is it worth learning to survive all over again? That's what you get for making fun of my jester's hatĪmidst the backdrop of a global pandemic, the action is shifted to Louisiana where the mysterious Kovac is once again recruiting survivors to fight the undead hordes. The isometric zombie co-op game is back with a sequel. How to Survive 2 is also available for Xbox One Reviewed by Stephen Palmer playing a PS4 on February 15, 2017